Funding Format
The network is funded with 3.3 million euros over a period of four years (April 2022 to March 2026) by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. In this funding format, interdisciplinary research on complex social problems, the enrichment of the discourse on the topic and the qualification of young scientists are to be emphasized as special features and are therefore special requirements for the funding of the project. One of the aims of the network is to enable eight young scientists to gain a doctorate or post-doctorate degree during its term and to gain experience in interdisciplinary research.
In addition to ForDaySec, there are other Bavarian research networks, some of which are also funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science, others by other funding providers.
All research associations are networked under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR). We would like to thank the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts for funding the research association. The network is monitored and evaluated by a committee of renowned scientists. We also greatly appreciate this contribution to the success of the research association and would like to express our sincere thanks to our colleagues.
Scientific Evaluation
The research association is accompanied by a group of scientific surveyors who advise the network and evaluate the interim and final results.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Gollmann (Chair)
TU Hamburg
Institute for Secure Cyber Physical Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Dittmann
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Faculty of Computer Science, Institute for Technical and Operational Information Systems (ITI) Working Group Advanced Multimedia and Security
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science User-Centered Security Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uli Meyer
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Institute of Sociology
Department of Sociology with a focus on innovation and digitalization (SID)
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue
Trier University
Department of Law
Professorship for Civil Law, in particular Information Society Law and Intellectual Property Law
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Delphine Reinhardt
University of Göttingen
Institute for Computer Science
Computer security and privacy
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schwenk
Ruhr University Bochum
Faculty for computer science
Chair for Network and Data Security
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Faculty for computer science
Practical IT Security Research Group (PS)