Topic of the Research Association
The unique selling point of the Bavarian research association “Security in Everyday Digitization” (ForDaySec) is the targeted, interdisciplinary research into novel technical processes for the cyber security of private households, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public administration. With this goal in mind, ForDaySec is researching, in addition to solutions for increasing security for hardware and software, special security concepts that should be easy to implement without special knowledge and at the same time take into account the aspects of technical data protection. The research also includes legal studies on update obligations and sociological studies on the use of technology in everyday practice.
Social Relevance
The digitization of everyday life is one of the key challenges facing our society. Networked systems permeate all areas of our society – this applies to private households (for example, the vacuum cleaner robot or the digital heating control system) as well as to production operations of medium-sized companies, craft enterprises, housing associations or to municipally operated critical infrastructures (such as healthcare or water supply). Something can be observed everywhere: Components without security functions are being used unthinkingly, previously independent systems are being networked without precautions, and both the knowledge and the human resources to actively manage cybersecurity are missing in many places.
Moreover, existing digital infrastructures often cannot be fundamentally redesigned or changed to secure them – security solutions must be designed using existing systems and components, and integrated into the existing stock. In the sense of “security by default”, there is also a need to make security and data protection technologies simple and easy to administer and implement without in-depth specialist knowledge. Here, however, the challenges are not only of a technical nature, but also encounter organizational, procedural and personnel hurdles. Interdisciplinary research that systematically integrates the challenges of everyday practice and everyday practices from the outset is therefore imperative. Our group takes this mixed situation into account and uses it as a starting point for its research.
In the research association ForDaySec, scientists from five Bavarian universities are working in eight projects to make everyday digital life more secure. The associatopn works interdisciplinarily and combines the perspectives of three disciplines: Computer Science, Sociology of Technology, and Law.
Each of the projects conducts research on its own topic in its own discipline. In addition, the members work in close cooperation on cross-cutting issues.
The research association is represented publicly by co-speakers elected by the members (Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser and Prof. Dr. Felix Freiling). The management office is located at the University of Passau at the professorship of Prof. Dr. Katzenbeisser. The office is the central point of contact for members, external partners and those interested in our association.
ForDaySec is one of several Bavarian research alliances under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research Alliance.
The eight projects at five universities involved in ForDaySec rely on a systematic interdisciplinary approach. The scientists from the fields of computer science, business informatics, sociology and law are developing a comprehensive understanding of how technologies can be optimized and sustainably implemented to safeguard everyday digital life.
While specific individual questions are dealt with in the eight projects, interdisciplinary cooperation takes place in particular within the working groups on the cross-cutting issues.
April 2022 –
March 2026
Funding amount
3.3 million euros
20 (10 with the goal of a doctorate or habilitation)
8 at 5 universities