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Brenner, R., Leithäuser, M., Jänich, S., Pöhls, H. C. (2024)
Updatefähigkeit als Konstruktionsanforderung
RDi 2024, 252 ff.

Eckhardt, D., Freiling, F., Herrmann, D., Katzenbeisser, S., Pöhls, H. C. (2023, gekürzte Version)
Sicherheit in der Digitalisierung des Alltags: Definition eines ethnografisch-informatischen Forschungsfeldes für die Lösung alltäglicher Sicherheitsprobleme.
Technischer Bericht, Univ. Passau, Nov., 2023.

Eckhardt, D., Freiling, F., Herrmann, D., Katzenbeisser, S., Pöhls, H. C. (2024)
Sicherheit in der Digitalisierung des Alltags: Definition eines ethnografisch-informatischen Forschungsfeldes für die Lösung alltäglicher Sicherheitsprobleme.
GI Sicherheit, 2024.

Klement, F., Pöhls, H. C., Katzenbeisser, S. (2022)
Change your Car’s Filters: Efficient Concurrent and Multi-Stage Firewall for OBD-II Network Traffic.
In IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of Communication
Links and Networks (CAMAD), pages 19-25, IEEE, Nov. 2022.

Klement, F., Pöhls, H. C., Katzenbeisser, S.  (2022)
Man-in-the-OBD: A modular, protocol agnostic firewall for automotive dongles to enhance privacy and security.
In 5th International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things
(ADIoT) in conjunction with ESORICS, pages 143-164, Springer, Dec., 2022.

Pöhls, H. C., Klement, F., Geloczi, E., Kügler, F.
“Segmentation and Filtering are still the Gold Standard for Privacy in IoT — An in-depth study on Cars and Smart Homes.”

Teilprojekt A01 – Sichere Kapselung

Geloczi, E., Klement, F., Struck, P., Katzenbeisser, S.
“SoK: Delegated Security in the Internet of Things”

Geloczi, E., Klement, F., Gründinger, E., Katzenbeisser, S. (2023). 
Secure Stitch: Unveiling the Fabric of Security Patterns for the Internet of Things.
In: Rios, R., Posegga, J. (eds) Security and Trust Management. STM 2023.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14336. Springer, Cham.

Anagnostopoulos, N. A., Fan, Y., Saleem, M. U., Mexis, N., Geloczi, E., Klement, F., Frank, F., Schaller, A., Arul, T., Katzenbeisser, S.
„Testing Physical Unclonable Functions Implemented on Commercial Off-the-Shelf NAND Flash Memories Using Programming Disturbances“
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, 2022, pp. 1-9,
doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Berlin56473.2022.10021310

Teilprojekt A02 – Firmware-Härtung

Jänich, S., Kinder, J.
Working Title: „Automated Binary Patches for n-Day Vulnerabilities in Firmware“
in preparation.

Teilprojekt B03 Architekturen und Dienste

Rakotondravony, N., Pöhls, H. C., Pfeifer, J., Harrison, L. (2024)
Viz4NetSec: Visualizing Dynamic Network Security Configurations of Everyday Interconnected Objects in Home Networks. 
HCI international, 2024.

Pöhls, H. C. (2023)
Towards a Unified Abstract Architecture to Coherently and Generically Describe Security Goals and Risks of AI Systems.
19th International Workshop Security and Trust Management (STM) in conjunction with ESORICS, Springer, Sept., 2023.

Pöhls, H. C., Gebauer S., Scharnboeck F., Spielvogel, K., Posegga, J. (2024)
MQfilTTr: Strengthening Smart Home Privacy through MQTT Traffic Manipulation.
In 14th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP 2024), LNCS, Mar., 2024.

Teilprojekt B04 – Datenschutz-Bibliotheken

Hennig, A., Neusser, F., Pawelek, A. A., Herrmann, D., Mayer, P. (2022)
Standing out among the daily spam: How to catch website owners‘ attention by means of vulnerability notifications.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2022: 317:1-317:8.

Stöver, A., Gerber, N., Pridöhl, H., Maass, M., Bretthauer, S. , Spiecker genannt Döhmann, I., Hollick, M., Herrmann, D. (2023)
How Website Owners Face Privacy Issues: Thematic Analysis of Responses from a Covert Notification Study Reveals Diverse Circumstances and Challenges.
Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol. 2023(2): 251-264 (2023).

Teilprojekt B05 – Sichere Einbindung

Momeu, M., Kilger, F., Roemheld, C., Schnückel, S., Proskurin, S., Polychronakis, M., Kemerlis, V. P. (2024)
“ISLAB: Immutable Memory Management Metadata for Commodity Operating System Kernels”.
To appear In Proceedings of the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIA CCS), 2024.

Teilprojekt C06 – Datenschutz-Analyse

Benenson, Z. (2022)
Gestaltung menschengerechter IT-Sicherheit.
Vol. 46, Cyber Security. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., PISSN: 2364-6152. pp. 7-12. Jahrestagung, 2022

Freiling, F. (2023)
Zum Umgang mit Erkenntnissen der IT-Sicherheitsforschung.
In: Sebastian Golla, Dominik Brodowski: IT-Sicherheitsforschung und IT-Strafrecht, S. 21-33. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2023.

Weinberger, L., Eichenmüller, C., Benenson, Z.  (2023)
Interplay of Security, Privacy and Usability in Videoconferencing.
Extended Abstracts of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023.

Best Student Paper Award – DFRWS EU-Konferenz 2024
Eichhorn, M., Schneider, J., Pugliese, G. (2024)
Well Played, Suspect! – Forensic Examination of the Handheld Gaming Console “Steam Deck”.
DFRWS EU 2024: Digital Forensics Research Conference Europe (March ’24, Zaragoza, Spain)

Stachak, M., Geus, J., Pugliese, G., Freiling, F. (2024)
Nyon Unchained: Forensic Analysis of Bosch’s eBike Board Computers.
DFRWS EU 2024: Digital Forensics Research Conference Europe (March ’24, Zaragoza, Spain)

Crasselt, J., Pugliese, G.
Started Off Local, Now We’re in the Cloud: Forensic Examination of the Amazon Echo Show 15 Smart Display.
DFRWS USA 2024: Digital Forensics Research Conference USA (July ’24, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA)

Eichhorn, M., Pugliese, G.
Do You „Relay“ Want to Give Me Away? – Forensic Cues of Smart Relays and Their IoT Companion Apps.
DFRWS APAC 2024: Digital Forensics Research Conference Asia-Pacific (October ’24, Brisbane, Australia)

Weinberger, L., Eichenmüller, C., Gassmann, F., Pugliese, G., Benenson, Z.
Used, Avoided, Restricted? Perceptions, Behavior, and Changes in Video Conferencing of German-speaking Users During and After the Pandemic
European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2024, September 30 & October 1, 2024, Karlstad, Sweden)

Teilprojekt C07 – Updatepflicht und -berechtigung

Brenner, R. (2024)
Software im Fokus der neuen Produkthaftungsrichtlinie
RDi 2024, S. 345ff.

Brenner, R., Leithäuser, M., Jänich, S., Pöhls, H. C. (2024)
Updatefähigkeit als Konstruktionsanforderung
RDi 2024, 252 ff.

Leithäuser, M. (2023)
Nachträgliche Mängel beim Softwarekauf
RDi 2023, 274 ff.

Riehm, T. (2022)
Digitale Dienstleistungen
RDi 2022, 209 ff.

Teilprojekt C08 – Alltagsdigitalisierung: Akzeptanz – Kompetenz – Prozesse

Eckhardt, D., Feist, N., Pfeiffer, S. (2024)
Work Based Human Factor: Vom Mensch als Störfaktor zum Mensch als Sicherheitsgewährleister.
20. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress (Mai 2024, Bonn) In: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Hrsg.): Cybernation Deutschland. Kooperation gewinnt. Die Themen des 20. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongresses.

Dendler, L., Nicklich, M., Pfeiffer, S., Schulze, A. (2024)
Systemic Risks and Organizational Challenges in Transformative Processes: ‘Cybersecurity’ in the Food Field.